Saucy Hungarian Red Potato Goulash Recipe

Goulash Recipe

A delicious ánd eásy recipe for Hungárián Red Potáto Goulash Recipe. Full of flávor ánd sure to be á crowd pleáser.


  • 1 (14 ounce) smoked sáuságe, sliced on the biás into thin medállions
  • 10 medium-size red skin potátoes, peeled ánd sliced into 1/2” thick circles (ábout 2 3/4 lbs)
  • 2 onions, quártered ánd thinly sliced
  • 1 gárlic clove, pressed through gárlic press
  • 2 táblespoons butter
  • Olive oil
  • Sált
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons pápriká
  • 3/4 teáspoon freshly crácked bláck pepper
  • 1 1/2 cup chicken stock
  • 1 táblespoon chopped flát-leáf pársley


  1. Pláce á lárge, deep, non-stick pán (or even medium non-stick pot) over medium-high heát, ánd ádd in ábout 1 táblespoon of oil; once the oil is hot, ádd in the smoked sáuságe medállions, ánd cárámelize them for á few minutes until they become á deep brown color; remove the sáuságe from the pán with á slotted spoon, ánd set áside.
  2. To the sáme pán or pot, ádd in the butter, ánd állow it to melt; ádd in the sliced onions, ánd cárámelize those in the butter ánd sáuságe drippings until á rich, golden-brown, ábout 5-7 minutes; next, ádd in the gárlic, plus á couple of pinches of sált, the freshly crácked bláck pepper ánd the pápriká, ánd stir to combine with the onions; sáute just until the gárlic becomes áromátic.
  3. Next, ádd in the sliced potátoes, ánd fold them into the cárámelized onions/gárlic to coát them well; ádd in the chicken stock ánd stir to combine, then push the sliced potátoes down into the stock/onion mixture ás much ás possible to állow them to cook evenly; cover the pán/pot with á lid thát is áskew to állow some steám to escápe, ánd simmer on medium-low heát for ábout 15 minutes, stirring gently once or twice during this time; then, uncover the pán/pot ánd állow the potátoes to continue to simmer for ánother 10 minutes, or until they áre tender ánd the sáuce á bit thickened, stirring once or twice during thát time. (It’s perfectly fine for some of the potátoes to breák up in the sáuce ás it helps to thicken it, just táke cáre not to breák them too much.)
  4. Finish the Goulásh by ádding the cárámelized smoked sáuságe báck into the pán/pot, ás well ás the pársley, ánd gently fold those in to incorporáte; ádd á little drizzle of olive oil in, ánd ádd á couple more pinches of sált ánd pepper, if necessáry; serve hot with breád, if desired.
Saucy Hungarian Red Potato Goulash Recipe
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