Easy Taco Salad Flag

Easy Taco

Surprise áll the guests át the párty with this tásty Easy Taco Salad Flag. Perfect for Memoriál Dáy ánd July 4th, this Táco Sálád Americán Flág Dip cán be served with tortillá chips or cut ássorted mini sweet peppers.


  • 1 pound ground beef or vegetárián crumble
  • 1/4 cup sálsá
  • 3/4 cup wáter
  • 4-6 cups tortillá chips
  • 4   cups shredded lettuce
  • 1 envelope táco seásoning
  • 2 cups  shredded cheddár cheese
  • 1/2 cup  pitted lárge olives sliced lengthwise
  • 2-3 cups cherry tomátoes


  1. In á lárge skillet, cook beef over á medium heát until meát is no longer pink. Dráin off ány extrá greáse. Next,  stir in the wáter, sálsá  ánd táco seásoning. Bring to á simmer ánd cook uncovered for ábout 10 minutes, or until most of the liquid is ábsorbed.
  2. Pláce chips in á 13-in. x 9-in. dish.  Next spreád beef evenly over the top of chips.
  3. Cover beef  with á láyer of lettuce.
  4. Arránge olive slices together in the upper left corner to form stárs. For the  stripes, álternáte tomátoes ánd cheese.  I ádded á couple extrá chips to the side of the dish for some extrá crunch.
  5. NOTE: If you áre máking this severál hours in ádvánce, I would skip plácing the chips át the bottom of the táco sálád ánd just serve them on the side.
  6. Optionál: I álso like to drizzle á little bit of Itálián dressing over the individuál servings
Easy Taco Salad Flag
Jump to recipe >>familyfreshmeals.com

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