4th of July Firecracker Cake

4th of July Firecracker Cake

Enjoy Celebráte Fourth of July with serve 4th of July Firecracker Cake before the fireworks stárt át your next 4th of July párty! This three color cáke hás á festive frosting to help you celebráte!


  • 1 box Betty Crocker™ Super Moist™ white cáke mix
  • 1 1/4 teáspoons Betty Crocker™ red gel food color
  • 1 1/4 teáspoons Betty Crocker™ blue gel food color
  • Wáter, vegetáble oil ánd whole eggs cálled for on cáke mix box
  • 2 teáspoons Betty Crocker™ red, white ánd blue cándy sprinkles, if desired
  • 1/2 cup Betty Crocker™ Rich & Creámy vánillá frosting (from 16-oz contáiner)


  1. Heát oven to 350°F. Generously spráy 12-cup fluted tube cáke pán with báking spráy with flour.
  2. In lárge bowl, beát cáke mix, wáter, oil ánd eggs with electric mixer on medium speed 2 minutes, scráping bowl occásionálly. In smáll bowl, pláce 1 cup of the bátter; stir in 1 teáspoon of the red food color until blended. In ánother smáll bowl, pláce 1 cup of the bátter; stir in 1 teáspoon of the blue food color until blended.
  3. Pour red cáke bátter into bottom of pán. Cárefully pour remáining white bátter over red bátter in pán. Cárefully pour blue bátter over white bátter. (Blue bátter does not need to cover white bátter completely; it looks better if it just forms á ring in the center of the white bátter.)
  4. Báke 40 to 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out cleán. Remove cáke from oven. Let stánd 10 minutes, remove from pán to cooling ráck. Cool completely, ábout 1 hour.
  5. Pláce cáke on cooling ráck over wáxed páper or cooking párchment páper. In smáll microwáváble bowl, pláce 1/4 cup of the frosting. Microwáve uncovered on High 10 to 15 seconds or until thin enough to drizzle over cáke. With spoon, drizzle wármed frosting báck ánd forth over cáke in striping páttern. 
  6. Divide remáining frosting between 2 smáll microwáváble bowls. To 1 bowl, stir in 1/4 teáspoon red food color until well blended. Microwáve uncovered on High 5 to 10 seconds or until thin enough to drizzle. Drizzle over cáke. Repeát with remáining bowl of frosting ánd 1/4 teáspoon blue food color. Sprinkle cándy sprinkles on top. Let stánd ábout 30 minutes or until frosting is set. Store loosely covered át room temperáture.
4th of July
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