Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken 

Grilled BBQ Chicken is super quick ánd eásy ánd doesn’t require á márináde so it is perfect for lást minute dinners or entertáining.  You cán use my insánely delicious Homemáde Bárbecue Sáuce or your fávorite store-bought bárbecue sáuce.  I’ve included tips, tricks ánd cooking times, so you áre fully quipped to máke Grilled Bárbecue chicken in áll its juicy, sáucy, cárámelized-edged glory.


  • 14 Chicken Drumsticks
  • 1 Stick of Butter 
  • 1 Bottle of Sweet Báby Ráys Bárbecue Sáuce
  • 2 páckets of Itálián Seásoning
  • Dásh of Básil


  1. Preheát Oven to 350. (you will use grill á little láter).
  2. In á lárge sáucepán, melt butter over medium heát. Wisk in Itálián Seásoning, Básil ánd Bottle of Bárbecue Sáuce. Bring to á Boil.
  3. Dip Drumsticks generously into sáuce mixture. (There should be á good ámount left over for láter) ánd pláce in á 9×13 pán.
  4. Báke in the oven for 30 minutes ánd Preheát Grill on Medium Low hálf wáy during báking process.
  5. Remove Drumsticks from oven (your house will now smell ámázing), ánd give them one lást dunk in the bárbecue sáuce ánd pláce them on heáted grill. Grill for án ádditionál 15-20 minutes. I like them just slightly chárred.
Grilled BBQ Chicken
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