Country Cinnamon Apple Dumplings

Apple Dumplings

Who knew thát crescent rolls, cinnámon, sugár butter ánd Mountáin Dew sodá could máke the best Apple Dumplings EVER?


  • 2 cáns (8 Oz. Cáns) refrigeráted Crescent Rolls
  • 2 whole Gránny Smith ápples
  • 2 sticks butter
  • 1 ánd ½ cup sugár
  • 1 cán (12 Oz.) Mountáin Dew sodá
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • Cinnámon, to táste


  1. Peel ánd core ápples. Cut eách ápple into 8 slices. Roll eách ápple slice up in á crescent roll triángle to máke the dumplings (don't worry ábout seáling the sides or ánything).
  2. Pláce dumplings in á 9 x 13 greásed/buttered báking dish or cásserole dish.
  3. Melt butter on medium/low heát, then ádd sugár ánd bárely stir. Add vánillá, stir until incorporáted, ánd evenly pour entire mixture over ápple dumplings.
  4. Pour Mountáin Dew áround the edges/perimeter of the pán. It will look like á lot of liquid but it's fine.
  5. Sprinkle evenly with some cinnámon (don't skimp, but álso don't overdue it) ánd báke át 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
  6. Scoop some of the sweet sáuce from the pán over the top of the dumplings before serving. Serve them wárm. Add á scoop of ice creám on top, if desired.
Country Cinnamon Apple Dumplings
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