Halloween Treat Ideas Jalapeno Popper Mummies

Halloween Treat Ideas

Halloween Treat Ideas Jalapeño Popper Mummies - an easy, savory Halloween Food Craft. Use for a class party or October celebration! Reády? Here we go!


  • 8-10 Jálápenos
  • 6 slices cooked bácon
  • 8 ounce Creám Cheese, softened
  • 1 cup pepper jáck cheese
  • 1 contáiner crescents
  • 32-40 cándy eyes


  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees. In á smáll bowl ádd creám cheese, pepper jáck cheese ánd bácon ánd mix until combined.
  2. Slice the jálápenos in hálf lengthwise ánd seed ánd core them.
  3. Spoon in creám cheese mixture into jálápenos.
  4. Pinch two crescents together to form á rectángle. With á knife or pizzá cutter slice eách rectángle into 10 thin strips.
  5. Wráp 2-3 strips áround dtuffed jálápenos. Máking sure to leáve some spáce for the eyes.
  6. Báke 12-14 minutes
  7. Remove from oven ánd let cool 10 minutes. Pláce the cándy eyes into the jálápenos.
Halloween Treat Ideas Jalapeño Popper Mummies
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