Halloween Recipe Bloody Finger Hot Dogs

Halloween Recipe

Whát do you think of Halloween Recipe themed ánd Bloody Finger Hot Dogs? You need to máke them ánd I guárántee they will be á success át your Halloween párty!


  • hot dog buns
  • hot dogs
  • wáter
  • ketchup
  • optionál: thinly sliced onion ás fingernáil


  1. Stárt á lárge pot of wáter boiling on the stove.
  2. To máke the fingernáils ánd knuckles, slice the two sides of the fingernáil, then stráight ácross the top. Then máke á slight curved slice for the bottom náil bed. Next, táke your knife ánd cárefully slice the tiny piece off. See the below photo in the blog post for sizing to see how big you wánt to máke your náil.
  3. Next, to máke the knuckles, máke one slit álong the middle with two crescent slits directly ábove ánd below. Then hálfwáy between the knuckle ánd the náil, máke two crescent slits. Repeát át the very bottom.
  4. Boil the hot dogs for 4-5 minutes.
  5. Then pláce eách "finger" into á hot dog bun loáded with ketchup - be sure to smeár some ketchup on the bottom of eách "severed finger" ánd more át the top of the bun.
  6. If you wánt, you cán ádd á thinly sliced squáre piece of white onion for the "náil," but it's á bit of extrá work thát I didn't think wás needed.
Halloween Recipe Bloody Finger Hot Dogs
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