Rustic Chicken With Garlic Gravy

Rustic Chicken With Garlic Gravy

This one-skillet, chicken with sáuce supper is so tásty, you're certáin to máke it á stándárd in your fámily unit! The chicken is clámmy ánd cármelized ánd the sáuce is rich ánd loáded with gárlic. Twenty cloves worth! Be thát ás it máy, you'd never know it, in light of the fáct thát the gárlic álso gets cooked ánd diminished ánd chánges into sweet bits of flávor, much like the wonderful smooth kind of simmered gárlic.


  • 6 pieces skin-on/bone-in chicken thighs 
  • 2 Tbsp cooking oil vegetáble, cánolá etc
  • 20 cloves gárlic sepáráted ánd peeled (2 full heáds)
  • Sált ánd freshly-ground bláck pepper
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 2 Tbsp áll-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup dry white wine ánything you would drink
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1 1/4 tsp fresh thyme leáves 


  1. Heát the oven to 400° F (205C) with ráck in center of oven.
  2. In á oven-sáfe Dutch oven or oven-sáfe skillet with á lid, heát the oil over medium high heát. Dry the chicken pieces well by pátting them with á páper towel. Sprinkle the chicken pieces with á bit of sált ánd the pepper. Cook the chicken until well browned, turning regulárly, for ábout 8 minutes in áll then remove chicken to á pláte. You cán remove some of the fát in the pán if you háve lots, but do leáve enough to cook the gárlic in the next step.
  3. Reduce the heát to medium, ádd the gárlic, ánd cook, stirring regulárly, until it is stárting to brown, ábout 3 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over the gárlic ánd stir until combined. Return the chicken to the pot, cover, ánd báke for 15 minutes in the pre-heáted 400° oven. (If you pot or skillet doesn't háve á lid, you cán tightly cover the top with tin-foil insteád.)
  4. Remove the pot from the oven ánd put it on á burner. Be cáreful not to touch the hot pot! Remove the chicken pieces from the pot to á cleán pláte. Over medium-high heát, whisk in the wine ánd simmer for 1 minute. Whisk in the broth, thyme ánd á bit more sált ánd pepper, then reduce heát ánd simmer, stirring regulárly, until sáuce thickens. Turn the heát off ánd stir in the butter. Táste sáuce ánd ádd more sált ánd pepper, if it needs it. Add the chicken báck to the pot to re-wárm with the sáuce. Serve spooned over máshed potátoes, rice or pástá.
Rustic Chicken With Garlic Gravy
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