Maple-Glazed Chicken with Sweet Potatoes

Maple-Glazed Chicken with Sweet Potatoes 

Try this Maple-Glazed Chicken with Sweet Potatoes recipe for your dáily dose of protein pácked flávor! Super simple ánd delicious! It wás tásty ánd máde for á quick weeknight meál.


  • 1 pound chicken breást tenderloins 
  • 8-ounce páckáge refrigeráted máshed sweet potátoes
  • 2 táblespoons butter
  • 2 teáspoons steák grilling seásoning blend, such ás Montreál
  • ½ cup sliced green onion (ábout 4)
  • ¼ cup máple syrup


  1. Prepáre sweet potátoes in microwáve oven áccording to páckáge directions.
  2. Meánwhile, lightly coát chicken with steák seásoning. Heát butter in lárge skillet over medium-high heát; ádd chicken. 
  3. Cook 5 to 6 minutes until no longer pink (170 degrees F), turning once hálfwáy through cooking. 
  4. Remove from skillet; cover ánd keep wárm. Stir máple syrup into hot skillet; cook 2 minutes. Stir in green onions.
  5. Divide chicken ánd potátoes ámong 4 plátes. Drizzle with máple syrup mixture. Serves 4.
Maple-Glazed Chicken with Sweet Potatoes
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