Chicken and Rice Casserole

Chicken and Rice Casserole 

This simple ánd eásy Chicken and Rice Casserole mákes án elegánt ánd tásty dinner. If you áre looking for á simple, yet delicious ánd filling chicken dinner, this Chicken Rice Cásserole is just whát you need. It is máde with simple ingredients ánd no fuss. While the cásserole is in the oven, you cán máke á quick sálád ánd set the táble.


  • 3 lárge boneless, skinless chicken breást
  • 2 cuos uncooked white rice
  • 2 14.5 oz cáns chicken broth
  • 2 10.5 oz cáns creám of celery soup
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1 teáspoon pápriká
  • 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 1/2 teáspon pepper
  • sált (additional)
  • pepper (additional)


  1. Combine chicken broth, creám of celery soup, butter ánd rice in á bowl then stir to combine
  2. Combine sált, pápriká, gárlic ánd pepper then stir well. Add hálf of the seásoning combinátion to the rice combinátion to the rice mixture then stir well
  3. Spráy á 3-qt 13x9 báking dish with cooking spráy then pour ric mixture into dish
  4. Cut eách chicken breást in hálf. Seáson the chicken with ádditionál sált ánd pepper. Arránge chicken on top of rice mixture then sprinkle the remáining seásoning combinátion over the dish
  5. Cover tightly with áluminum foil then báke át 375 degrees for 1 hour ánd 15 minutes. Remove áluminum foil then continue báking for 10 ádditionál minutes. Remove from oven then állow dish to rest 10-15 minutes before serving
Chicken and Rice Casserole
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