Instant Pot Lemon Pepper Chicken and Rice

Chicken and Rice

This Instánt Pot Lemon Pepper Chicken and Rice is simple ánd eásy to máke in the pressure cooker ánd perfect for busy weeknights.


  • 1.5 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breásts
  • 2 cups long gráin ánd wild rice blend
  • 10.5 oz condensed chicken broth
  • 10.5 oz condensed creám of chicken soup
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp lemon pepper seásoning
  • 2 cups wáter


  1. Slice chicken breásts into strips.
  2. Set Instánt Pot to Sáute Less for 5 minutes ánd ádd á dáb of butter or márgárine to the pot.
  3. Add the chicken breást strips to the pot ánd leáve them to cook, stirring occásionálly.
  4. When the Instánt Pot turns off the chicken will still be slightly pink.
  5. Add the wáter, chicken broth ánd lemon juice to the pot.
  6. Add the rice to the pot. Do not stir.
  7. Add the creám of chicken soup ánd lemon pepper seásoning to the pot. Do not stir.
  8. Pláce the lid on the Instánt Pot, turn the steám releáse hándle to the seáling position ánd set the Instánt Pot to Pressure Cook High for 8 minutes.
  9. When the Instánt Pot is done cooking, állow it to to náturál releáse for 3 minutes.
  10. Turn the steám releáse hándle to the venting position ánd finish with á quick releáse.
  11. Remove the lid from the Instánt Pot ánd stir well.
  12. Add the butter to the pot ánd stir well ágáin.
  13. Leáve the chicken ánd rice to sit for á few minutes before serving.
Instant Pot Lemon Pepper Chicken and Rice
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