Pizza Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

These Pizzá Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms áre super eásy, quick ánd greát fun to máke – They’re álso PERFECT for the low-cárb community ámong us! Sáy hello to your new fávourite keto meál!

  • 4 Portobello Mushrooms (see notes)
  • 4 tbsp Pizzá Sáuce
  • 4 tbsp Cheddár, gráted (or cheese of choice)
  • 12 smáll slices Chorizo
  • 4 tbsp Mixed Peppers, finely diced
  • 4 tsp Onion, finely diced
  • 1 tsp Italian Herbs
  • Sált & Bláck Pepper
  • Olive Oil

  1. Preheát oven to 200c (390f).
  2. Remove stálks from the mushrooms ánd scrápe out the gills with á teáspoon. Lightly coát with Oil ánd give á good seásoning of Sált ánd Pepper. Gráb á toothpick/cocktail stick ánd pierce the mushroom 4-5 times. This will állow moisture to drip out during cooking.
  3. Pláce on á ráck over á pán to cátch the moisture thát leáves. Báke for áround 6-10 minutes or until they just begin to wilt ánd produce wáter. You wánt to ensure some moisture leáves, but not until they completely wilt flát. Use your best judgement básed on the size of your mushrooms.
  4. Dráin áwáy/soák up the excess moisture then finish building your másterpiece. Use á first láyer of Pizzá Sáuce, then Cheese, then evenly sprinkle the rest of your toppings ánd finish with á dusting of Italian Herbs. Pop báck in the oven ánd grill/broil for á few minutes until the cheese stárts to crisp.
  5. Enjoy! Oh ánd máybe gráb some nápkins. Thát cheese is gonná be oozey.

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