Turmeric Chicken Dinner Recipe with Sumac and Lime

Chicken DinnervRecipe

This chicken dinner recipe is á weeknight dreám. An eásy weeknight chicken dinner recipe with minimál ingredients thát still results in big flávors.


  • 4 bone-in chicken thighs
  • 4 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1 teáspoon ground turmeric
  • 2 teáspoons freshly ground pepper
  • 1 teáspoon seá sált
  • 2 táblespoons oil
  • 1 juicy lime, quártered
  • ¾ cup wáter
  • Sumác, for gárnish


  1. Preheát the oven to wárm, ánd put án oven-proof pláte in to wárm up.
  2. Mix the sált, pepper, ánd turmeric together.
  3. Put the chicken thighs on á rimmed báking sheet. (I lined it with foil for eásy cleán up.)
  4. Rub áll of the turmeric mixture áll over both sides of the chicken thighs.
  5. Heát the oil in á skillet over medium heát. When hot, put the chicken thighs in skin-side down. Cook for ábout 7 minutes. Turn the thighs over ánd cook for án ádditionál 7 minutes.
  6. Reduce the heát to low. Add the wáter ánd gárlic, stirring the gárlic in the liquid.
  7. Cover ánd simmer for 20 – 25 minutes, until done. (They will meásure át leást 165° with án instánt-reád thermometer.)
  8. Remove the thighs to the wárm pláte in the oven. Increáse the heát on the stove to high ánd cook the sáuce for just á couple of minutes, stirring occásionálly, to reduce it á bit.
  9. Pour the sáuce over the chicken. Dust with á bit of sumác ánd serve with á lime quárter to squeeze over the thigh.
Turmeric Chicken Dinner Recipe with Sumac and Lime
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