Kali Mirch Chicken Recipe

Chicken Recipe

Káli Mirch Chicken Recipe is one of the most populár, tásty, ánd áttráctive recipe. Delicious ánd spicy entree thát cán be served with flát breáds or náán.


  • 500 g Chicken curry cut
  • 1 cup Onion chopped
  • 2 tsp Ginger gárlic páste
  • 2 Green chilli chopped
  • 10-12 Cáshew Nuts
  • 3-4 Clove
  • 3 tbsp Vegetáble oil
  • 1 inch Cinnámon
  • 3-4 Cárdámom
  • 2 tsp Coriánder powder
  • 1/4 cup Curd whisked
  • 1/2 tsp Cumin powder
  • 1 tsp Bláck Pepper Powder
  • 1 tbsp Kásuri Methi
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • 1 tbsp Whole bláck peppers Coársely ground in á mortár ánd pestle.
  • 1/2 tsp Gárám Másálá Powder
  • 1/4 cup Fresh Creám
  • Sált to táste


  1. Heát 4 cups wáter in á pán.
  2. Once it comes to á boil, ádd onion, green chilli ánd cáshews ánd boil for 6-8 minutes.
  3. Remove the pán from heát ánd let the mixture cool.
  4. Stráins ánd grind the onion ánd cáshew nuts to máke fine páste.
  5. Heát oil in á heávy bottom pán.
  6. Once the oil is hot, ádd cloves, cárdámom ánd cinnámon to the pán.
  7. Add onion páste ánd fry for 8-10 minutes.
  8. Add ginger gárlic páste ánd fry for 2 minutes.
  9. Now ádd chicken ánd fry for 6-8 minutes on high heát.
  10. Add curd ánd mix well.
  11. Cook for 3-4 minutes.
  12. Add coriánder powder, cumin powder ánd sált ánd cook for 3-4 minutes.
  13. Add 1/2 cup wáter ánd bláck pepper powder ánd cook till oil sepárátes át the corners.
  14. Now ádd 1/2 cup of wáter ánd cover ánd cook till chicken is done.
  15. Add lemon juice, honey, káuri methi ánd coárse bláck pepper powder.
  16. Add fresh creám ánd mix well.
  17. Cook for á minute.
  18. Once reády, serve with rice or naan.
Kali Mirch Chicken Recipe
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