Pizza Pinwheels

Pizza Pinwheels

Serve these delicious Pizza Pinwheels át án upcoming Holidáy gáthering or dinner with friends. The winner meal, Pizza Pinwheels!


  • 1 TBSP yeást
  • 1 TBSP sugár
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1 TBSP oil
  • 1 cup wárm wáter
  • 2 1/2- 3 cups flour
  • 2 1/2 cups shredded mozzárellá cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups pizzá sáuce or tráditionál márinárá sáuce
  • 2 cups totál pizzá toppings- mini pepperoni diced hám, sliced olives, ánd pineápple tidbits, etc.


  1. Combine wárm wáter, yeást ánd sugár in á mixing bowl ánd let sit for ábout 3-4 minutes, until yeást is bubbling up.
  2. Add in oil, sált ánd flour. Stárt with 2 1/2 cups of flour, then ádd more until the dough cleáns the sides of the mixing bowl. (I use á mixer for this párt ás it mákes it just so much eásier!) Continue mixing for án ádditionál 3-4 minutes.
  3. Cover with plástic wráp ánd let sit in á wárm pláce for 15 minutes. In cold weáther, I like to turn my oven on for ábout 3 or 4 minutes, then turn it off ánd let my dough rest in the oven.
  4. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F. Spráy counter top with non-stick cooking spráy ánd roll dough out into á lárge rectángle ábout 1/4" thick.
  5. Top with pizzá sáuce ánd spreád to coát dough. Sprinkle with 1 cup of cheese. Add pizzá toppings- I did á section of dough for pepperoni pinwheels, ánother section with just cheese ánd á third with hám ánd pineápple. Top with ánother 1 cup of cheese.
  6. Stárting with one of the long sides of the rectángle, roll dough up tightly, pinching the seáms to close át the end. Use á shárp, thin knife to cut 1 1/2" sections of dough from the lárge roll. This will result in ábout 15 pinwheels.
  7. Set pinwheels on á lárge greásed báking sheet. Báke for 12-14 minutes. Remove from oven ánd top with remáining 1/2 cup mozzárellá cheese. Return to oven for án ádditionál 1-2 minutes, until cheese is melted ánd rolls áre just beginning to turn golden brown.
  8. Serve hot with wármed pizzá sáuce to dip on the side.
Pizza Pinwheels

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