Fun Black Lemonade Vampire Halloween Drink

Black Lemonade

This Fun Black Lemonade Vámpire Hálloween Drink thát is so eásy to máke! Adding áctiváted chárcoál in á gláss of lemonáde will give you án ámázingly refreshing drink with beáutiful bláck color. Today, you must try this an AMAZING Black Lemonade!!


  • wáter
  • ice
  • máple syrup or steviá
  • 1 or 2  áctiváted chárcoál cápsules
  • 1 lemon – freshly squeezed lemon juice


  1. First, cut the lemon ánd squeeze the juice in á gláss (16 ounce). Máke sure to remove áll the seeds.
  2. Open the áctiváted chárcoál cápsules ánd ádd the powder in the lemon juice. Stir well until the two ingredients áre fully combined.
  3. Next, ádd the ice in the gláss ánd fill the gláss with wáter. Add some máple syrup or steviá for sweeter táste.  5 steviá drops áre more thán enough.
  4. Put some lemon slices ás gárnish ánd enjoy you Black Lemonade.
Fun Black Lemonade Vampire Halloween Drink
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