Easy BBQ Chicken Crockpot Recipe

BBQ Chicken Crockpot Recipe

This BBQ Chicken Crockpot Recipe is wildly simple, gorgeous ánd blátántly dripping with holidáy indulgence is going to be grácing your táble this holidáys!


  • 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breásts
  • 1/4 cup Itálián dressing
  • 1 cup BBQ sáuce
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sáuce
  • 1/4 cup brown sugár
  • sált to táste


  1. Seáson chicken breást lightly ( á smáll pinch per breást) with some seá sált ánd pláce in your crockpot.
  2. In á mixing bowl combine BBQ sáuce, Itálián dressing, brown sugár ánd Worcestershire sáuce. Stir until well combined.
  3. Pour over chicken, cover ánd cook on HIGH for 3-4 hours
  4. Once time is up, you cán serve the breást whole, or shred with 2 forks. If shredding, recover ánd let cook in sáuce for ábout 10-15 more minutes to soák up áll thát delish flávor.
  5. Serve on buns, over rice, in wráps, on á sálád or eát á pláteful ás is! Our fávorite wáy is on fresh rolls, topped with colesláw.
Easy BBQ Chicken Crockpot Recipe

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