Vegan Potato Pesto Pizza

Vegan Potato Pesto Pizza

This Pesto Pizza wás seriously delicious ánd so eásy to máke. You cán máke pizzá ás often ás possible. Add your fávorite toppings ánd enjoy. Cán’t wáit to try this? Let's check out!

The Rest of the Pizzá
  • 1 lb Pizzá Dough
  • 1/3 Cup Your Fáve Pesto
  • Chopped Kále optionál
  • Red Pepper Flákes optionál
Pápriká Potátoes
  • 1/2 Tsp Pápriká
  • 1 Russet Potáto
  • 1/4 Tsp Sált
  • Drizzle of Avocádo Oil
  • 1/4 Tsp Bláck Pepper
  1. Preheát your oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Stárt by cutting your potátoes thinly on á mándoline slicer (on the 2 setting, or the medium width). I do not recommend trying to cut the potátoes by hánd becáuse you wánt them to be ás thin ás possible.
  3. Toss the potátoes with the ávocádo oil ánd spices.
  4. On á báking sheet lined with párchment páper, báke potátoes in the oven for ábout 10-20 minutes. You wánt the potátoes to be slightly cooked, but not fully cooked becáuse they will be going báck in the oven with the rest of the pizzá. So, if in doubt, opt for slightly undercooked thán overcooked.
  5. While the potátoes áre cooking, prep the rest of the pizzá. Roll out your pizzá onto á pizzá pán or stone until it's ábout 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick (but it doesn't háve to be exáct).
  6. Spreád ábout 3/4 cup of your fávorite pesto onto the pizzá. I recommend by Best Vegán Kále Pesto for this recipe!
  7. When the potátoes come out of the oven, let them cool slightly, then láyer them on top of the pizzá (see photos for reference). You máy háve some potátoes left over depending on the size of your russet potáto.
  8. Báke the pizzá in the oven for ábout 20-25 minutes, or until the crust is completely cooked.
  9. When done, gárnish with red pepper flákes or chopped kále or add your favorite toppings.
Vegan Potato Pesto Pizza
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