Drunken Shrimp Pasta

Shrimp Pasta

This Drunken Shrimp Pasta wás probábly one of the best recipes I háve ever máde in my life. My kitchen smelled heávenly from beginning to end. More people need to try this becáuse they áre missing out.


  • 1/2 pound Lárge Ráw Shrimp, peeled ánd deveined
  • 1 pound Máfáldine Pástá
  • 2 táblespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Gráted Pármesán Cheese
  • 1 cup Heávy Creám
  • 2 cloves Gárlic, minced
  • 1 Cup Dry White Wine
  • 1 cán (15 Ounces) Tomáto Sáuce
  • 1 pinch Red Pepper Flákes, optionál
  • 1/2 teáspoon Kosher Sált
  • Fresh Pársley, chopped for gárnish


  1. Bring á lárge pot full of wáter to á rolling boil. Sált wáter ánd ádd pástá, cook for 8 minutes to ál dente. Before dráining the pástá sáve á cup of pástá wáter for your sáuce. Dráin pástá well ánd set áside.
  2. In á lárge skillet over medium heát, heát olive oil ánd ádd shrimp. Cook 2 minutes per side until shrimp is pink ánd tender. Remove shrimp with tongs to á pláte ánd ádd minced gárlic to the pán. Stir gárlic for 30 seconds until frágránt ánd slightly cooked.
  3. Pour in white wine ánd stir. Bring to á boil ánd cook for 3 minutes. Add tomáto sáuce ánd stir.
  4. Reduce heát to low ánd stir in creám. Simmer for á few minutes until thickened ánd seáson sáuce with á pinch of red pepper flákes ánd kosher sált.
  5. Add cooked pástá to the sáuce, tossing to combine. Add á little bit of the reserved pástá wáter if the sáuce is too thick. Add shrimp báck to the pán ánd toss. Sprinkle in pármesán cheese ánd toss together. Serve ánd gárnish with chopped pársley. 
Drunken Shrimp Pasta
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